A collector’s item, a fidget, a heads or tails, a photography prop. So little, yet so much! I present to you the XXL DBKoin! An EDC coin designed by us. Finally a coin size you can use as compensation (2 inch.. / 5cm)!
So what does this coin buy you? Our everlasting love that is! It’s a collectors item, a way to support us and getting something physical back in return. You’ll often find EDC coins in EDC photography as they’re aesthetically pleasing. We went for a classic, worn cowboy feel. Fits very nice with other brass and copper style EDC. It’s a perfect match fort he DBK Zippo.
In contrast to our smaller coin this one comes in a nice giftbox to make it feel like jewellery. which of course it is… I suggest you wear these sticked to the forehead.
Yes my friend! The DBK family you will join,
With the your purchase of the XXL DBKoin…
Clearance Sale!! Now €14,99 just add it to your cart
Our big thanks for your support and making it possible for us to do and create what we love!
- Mikkie B and Maarten –
*Does not fit a shopping cart*
Size: 2 Inch / 5 cm diameter
Color: Worn brass